
Institute for Planning, Innovative Research, Appropriate Training and Extension

Training on Gender Sensitivity and Equity Concepts for children, adolescent and caregivers in Sathi for Education Centres

Lives Touched


April 2017 to March 2018

Kamarhati, West Bengal

The Story

The programme aimed to develop an understanding of the concept of gender and stereotypes related to it and to empower children and adolescents to understand and challenge existing inequalities related to gender and Sexuality.

The sessions also facilitated a realisation of own roles and responsibilities as individual human being and to ensure productive contribution in the family and society. Another important vertical in this gamut of sensitization drive was the parents, the school and the community at large; therefore, to ensure the right amount of impact on the ecosystem.

The sensitisation programme was conducted in the Bridge Course Centres –“ Sathi for Education” run by Hijli INSPIRATION in the slums of Kamarhati covering around 150 children and their families.

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